Monday, August 25, 2014

Start With Why

I first saw Simon Sinek speak at the Public Library Association's conference this past March and I was instantly captivated and energized by his stories. I just kept thinking, "Yes! Yes!" At the time, he was talking about his newest title, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action and I brought some of that energy back and shared it with my colleagues and I've even incorporated the Start With Why mantra into my work. But where I really need it is in my personal life. 

A few days ago I started reading Start With Why and within the first couple of pages I was nodding my head and thinking, "Yes! Yes!" Then it got me thinking about all I do with my life and all I want to do with my life and so, I started thinking about why. It's a really hard concept for me to think about because I don't know the answer to most of my whys and it feels scary. 

So, what do I do? I start a blog to figure out my whys. 

Why am I starting my third, possibly fourth, blog when I know I have a habit of starting blogs, keeping them going for maybe a month if I'm lucky, and then abandoning them? Because I need to intentionally examine myself and to open myself up to feedback from the world at large. I feel I'm ready and on the cusp of making some life-changing moves (those will be discussed later when it feels safe) but I want to start with why before making those moves. 

My next step is to take Simon's Learn Your Why online course which I hope will teach me how to think about my whys because I really have no idea with most things other than to say, "because they're fun." 

Anyone else out there wondering about their why and/or taking this course or reading this book? I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

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