Thursday, September 11, 2014

Why 'Why?' is Scary

Classic Sesame Street: I Wanna Know Y! 

My friend, Sam, posted this video to my Facebook page a couple days ago. At first I thought there was a hidden message, as though asking why was a bad thing since the person asking was named Sinister Sam. But as the clip evolved I thought that maybe the message is that our first reaction to the question 'why?' is to be afraid (for no good reason other than the name of the dude asking is Sinister Sam) when in reality it's nothing to be afraid of at all. It's just Y. 

What I want to know is where did this fear come from? Why? is a reasonably valid question but it seems as though we react with fear more to this question than to any of the other of the 5Ws (Who? What? When? Where? ...and How?). Maybe that's just me...

However, I suspect it's not the question Why? that is scary but rather it's sharing the answer that is scary and so we tend to go on the defensive whenever anyone asks, 'Why?' The answer to a lot of Whys is personal and therefore shows our human side, our internal motivations, beliefs, convictions. What if someone disagrees with our answer? It feels as though they're disagreeing with us, with who we are, with our perspective. Or, maybe we don't know why and so we don't want to say that we don't know because then we look weak or unsure of ourselves. Conversely, when someone agrees with our Why we feel as though that person really gets us and that feels good and reinforces our confidence. 

When I contrast Why? with the other Ws I fail to experience the same reaction. Asking me what I'm going to do or when I'm going to do it or where, doesn't evoke the same response. Is this true for you, too? What do you think? Or is Why? not scary at all for you? Please share.

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